Our pregnancy guides

Les indispensables de l’allaitement

Breastfeeding Essentials

You are pregnant and have decided to breastfeed your baby when he or she is born. However, breastfeeding is not always easy, and you sometimes need help along the way....

Breastfeeding Essentials

You are pregnant and have decided to breastfeed your baby when he or she is born. However, breastfeeding is not always easy, and you sometimes need help along the way....

Le sport étant enceinte : est-ce une bonne idée ?

Exercising while pregnant: is it a good idea?

Some women are keen sports enthusiasts don't see themselves stopping their physical activity anytime soon? Don't worry ladies, even when pregnant, it is possible to do sport, and it is even recommended. Indeed,...

Exercising while pregnant: is it a good idea?

Some women are keen sports enthusiasts don't see themselves stopping their physical activity anytime soon? Don't worry ladies, even when pregnant, it is possible to do sport, and it is even recommended. Indeed,...

Comment préparer les ainés à l’arrivée d’un futur bébé ?

How to prepare older children for the arrival o...

We hear a lot of advice about how to best prepare older children for the arrival of a little brother or sister... And that's great, because the arrival of a...

How to prepare older children for the arrival o...

We hear a lot of advice about how to best prepare older children for the arrival of a little brother or sister... And that's great, because the arrival of a...

Quels exercices Post-Partum faire à domicile pour rééduquer votre périnée ?

What Postpartum exercises can you do at home to...

The Perineum, this group of muscles located around the vulva and the anus, has the role of supporting the organs of the small pelvis. It must therefore be resistant in...

What Postpartum exercises can you do at home to...

The Perineum, this group of muscles located around the vulva and the anus, has the role of supporting the organs of the small pelvis. It must therefore be resistant in...

Le sommeil chez les enfants

Sleep in children

When my children were small, I felt terribly helpless in the face of lack of sleep! I was lucky to have children who "slept through the night" very quickly, but...

Sleep in children

When my children were small, I felt terribly helpless in the face of lack of sleep! I was lucky to have children who "slept through the night" very quickly, but...

5 idées d’annonce de grossesse adorables !

5 Adorable Pregnancy Announcement Ideas!

Learning that you are going to be a mother is an indescribable moment. It quickly leads to excitement and impatience to announce it to all your loved ones. Indeed, the...

5 Adorable Pregnancy Announcement Ideas!

Learning that you are going to be a mother is an indescribable moment. It quickly leads to excitement and impatience to announce it to all your loved ones. Indeed, the...