When you're pregnant, taking some time for yourself is essential during this period of physical and emotional change, which is why these few exercises will help you refocus on yourself, reduce your anxiety, strengthen the bond with your baby, and better cope with childbirth.
Favor water sports such as aquagym
If you want to continue practicing a sport while pregnant, we suggest aquagym! Indeed, it is preferable to favor calm activities without risks of hurting yourself, or hurting the baby. This is why these exercises in the water are made for you if you want to relieve back pain, pelvic pain, or if you want to improve your flexibility, these practices are very favored during pregnancy. It is a real physiological and psychological hormonal upheaval. This stage of your life will remain in your memory and on your body due to physical changes such as weight gain which can be more or less well experienced depending on the person. Pain in the back or pelvis can also arise, which is why these exercises in the water will give you a feeling of lightness and well-being which will allow you to calm down mentally and physically.
You can relax by lying on your back, so that you float thanks to a noodle that supports your neck, and another supporting your knees. Leave your ears in the water to isolate yourself. You can thus let yourself go, and let the water guide you. Don't think about anything, just relax.
You can also practice this breathing exercise in water to reinforce the relaxing effect: with your head under water, exhale for a long time so that all your air is evacuated from your lungs. Simple and effective, this will allow you to reduce your heart rate and increase your breathing capacity.
Progressive relaxation
A relaxation method called the Jacobson method is an alternative to meditation.
This method consists of performing a progressive muscle relaxation in order to relax the mind and unwind mentally. This exercise consists of contracting and relaxing certain muscles successively. The release of muscle tension is accompanied by complete muscle relaxation and then a release of stress and anxiety. Concretely, by closing your eyes and taking your time, you will inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. While you breathe, contract and then relax your facial muscles to begin with. Then, continue with your shoulders, arms, hands, abs, buttocks, thighs, calves and then bend your arch and toes. When you open your eyes, you should feel completely relaxed. Repeat this exercise several times.
This method is very popular in North America and was developed at the beginning of the century by a doctor named Edmund Jacobson. According to him, any form of anxiety or physical tension is accompanied by muscular contraction, so by relaxing one's muscles, one cannot be anxious.
Use deep breathing to relieve stress
First, start by settling comfortably on a chair, sitting or lying on a sofa or your bed. Make sure you are not disturbed during this time, warn those around you. Try to relax by taking a deep breath, then a strong exhalation. You can repeat this two or three times so that you can really relax. Do not breathe too quickly, have a slow breath, at your own pace, but a breathing that suits you. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Then, try to relax a new part of your body each time, you will feel a sensation of warmth. Do this exercise for about ten minutes until you are completely relaxed.
Mindfulness meditation
By meditating, you are 100% connected with your body, so you are listening to the sensations and movements that your baby makes. You then transmit positive emotions that will create a bond with your child. To do this, you will have to relax by listening to what surrounds you, be attentive to what is happening in the present moment. Focus on yourself and on your sensations. This exercise will promote a peaceful mental state, lower your stress level and improve your quality of life.
If you are anxious, these exercises are for you, they will help you relax and better understand the arrival of the baby.