Quelques conseils pour devenir grands-parents pour la première fois

Some tips for becoming grandparents for the first time

S ome have always dreamed of it, others haven't, learning that you are going to become a grandfather or grandmother can sometimes surprise, delight, or give you the famous "old age" feeling. These are completely normal feelings that can raise questions and are easy to remedy. But don't worry, this article will give you advice on how to handle the news!

First of all, don't be afraid of getting old. The announcement that you are going to become a "grandpa" or "grandma" is an important step in life because you see your child also becoming an adult, and also making their own life. Some future grandparents may feel old seeing themselves already called "grandpa" or "grandma", but in reality becoming a grandmother or grandfather means having a role in its own right!

Indeed, you will become a reference for your child who will learn to become a parent. You will give advice on how to rock baby, put him to sleep, or even reassure your own child in the face of his fears and disappointments, because you have already experienced this. Also tell yourself that this is a new life that is opening up to you. You will have the chance to take care of a little being again, who will come to you for advice, with whom you will be able to do activities just with him. Having grandchildren means pampering them, cuddling them, cooking their favorite meal, just to please them!

This new status allows you to take time for yourself, in fact, without children running around the house you will have time to read a book for hours, rest, go for a walk, go on a trip. In addition, the status of grandpa or grandma is different from 50 years ago. Today's grandparents go on trips and go out. Gone is the image of the white-haired grandpa and grandma who don't move from their armchairs, you can very well be grandparents and be active! Nowadays, grandparents are becoming more and more "up to date" and are connected to the networks, are active and do sports, this will make you the "cool" and modern grandma or grandpa.

Becoming grandparents also means passing on knowledge. Indeed, you are the ones in the family who have had the most experience, those who have the most life. You can teach family knowledge, such as the art of playing the guitar if you come from a family of artists, or pass on a piece of jewelry from generation to generation, tell funny anecdotes and spend afternoons admiring old photos of ancestors who will teach them where they come from, what their origins are... You see, there are many positive aspects to becoming grandparents!

However, we must not confuse transmitting knowledge with education, we must not take the place of the parent, we must let them do it, and leave a distance so as not to come into conflict with the parents of your grandchild. Indeed, they may not educate their child(ren) in the same way that you did, and they need to have their own experience. Society, lifestyles and mentalities change, and your child has surely formed his own way of seeing things, at the risk of causing conflicts between your child, your daughter-in-law and you.

The new generation of grandparents may not want grandchildren these days. At 50, they are still active and involved in work, they may feel out of step, feel old. But ultimately, the arrival of the first grandchild sweeps away all the "preconceptions" about feeling old, because in the end, it is like a second youth, a way to continue giving the life that is offered to you.

If this article still hasn't convinced you, wait for the birth of your first grandchild, you will leave behind your sole role as a parent to begin a new role, that of a grandparent, who will make you fall in love with his little round face, with his way of discovering the world and of being amazed. You will see that grandparents become very important people in a child's life because you share intense moments of life and love.

To finish, Becoming a grandparent will not make you old, on the contrary, it will be an opportunity to start a new life, with a new child with whom you will create a special bond that only you will understand. You will transmit everything that is important to you, and live magical moments, and it will be great. It will be your relationship.

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