Quelles activités d’intérieur privilégier avec des enfants ?

What indoor activities should you do with children?

In recent months we have had to review many of our practices and prioritize indoor activities, which is not necessarily easy with young children: they need to go out, socialize, and exercise! Whether it is because of the health context or simply because the weather is unsuitable for long outings to the park or walks in the forest, there are all sorts of activities to keep your children busy within your home.

 A look at a child's ability to concentrate

While outdoor activities allow children to expend their vital energy, indoor activities more often call on their concentration. Concentration is a voluntary event that involves the child ignoring the elements around them to focus their attention on a single element. Concentration is natural in children and develops from a very young age. Babies look at the world around them, they are already curious. With age, their attention manages to focus for longer and longer on a particular task. This concentration time therefore increases over the years, before the age of 3 it is less than 10 minutes, at 10 it is more than half an hour! For comparison, an adult can stay focused for a maximum of 2 hours, beyond which our attention naturally declines.

Activities to help him concentrate

As it is sometimes difficult for a child to concentrate, the goal is to offer them simple and short activities. For example, you can suggest a yoga session so that they can relax and release tension, sometimes caused by school. You must do this session with your child in a fun way, for example by asking them to imitate animals or objects, or by placing a feather or a balloon on them so that they become aware of their breathing. In order to be in a good atmosphere, do not hesitate to put on soft music. Vary your sessions, that is to say, change exercises if possible each time. Favor short sessions. And finally, last piece of advice, do not take yourself too seriously, it should be a fun and enjoyable time!

To help your child concentrate for a while, you can have them make mandalas. Indeed, the word mandala means exactly "concentration". Coloring mandalas helps develop fine motor skills of the hand, concentration, inspiration, as well as artistic choices. To promote concentration, it is advisable to color the mandala from the outside to the inside, and to promote attention it is advisable to do the opposite, from the center to the outside.

You can also have him do a puzzle. This activity helps develop the child's attention and memory. Indeed, he must pay attention to the image and pay attention to where he puts the pieces to be able to build the puzzle. This strengthens his logical capacity, he develops an analytical capacity and learns to solve problems. In addition, the child develops visual and spatial intelligence. He acquires the ability to imagine and rotate objects to place them in the right place. This activity also strengthens self-esteem. Indeed, doing a puzzle is overcoming a challenge, and when the child succeeds in meeting this challenge, he feels satisfied and proud of himself.

Finally, there are many board games out there, so suggest that he play one. It's a good opportunity to play as a family, and it teaches him to be patient when waiting his turn, but also teaches him to accept losing.

Activities to let his imagination run wild

Children are full of imagination, and it is something that must be constantly stimulated at their age. So nothing is more classic than a game of mimes! Each of you write on a piece of paper something or someone to imitate (animals, people, jobs, objects, actions, etc.), mix your papers with the other players and draw one at random. Good humor and laughter guaranteed!

You can also encourage your child to imagine the continuation of a story that you have read to him or that he has read at school, and then ask him to draw it. Your child will then be able to imagine a continuation that will suit him 100%.

Another idea is to turn off the TV and let your child invent the dialogues. To get him as involved as possible, let him zap the channels so that he comes across the show, cartoon or movie that inspires him. Also let him choose the character he wants, because the closer he feels to the character he is playing, the easier it will be for him to invent a dialogue. This game will allow him to feel valued in your eyes since he will be the center of attention.

Activities to get him creative

One of the main creative activities is of course drawing. Your child can draw anything he wants, such as your house, your family or a place where he went on vacation, with any color he wants. In addition, many drawing techniques can be made available to him such as pencils and markers, painting, chalk, etc. This activity also helps develop his fine motor skills and concentration.

You can also offer to make modeling clay. This way, your child will be able to model the shape he wants, and maybe give it to you later! Many kits with molds are available in stores, you will definitely find what you are looking for.

Suggest that he play construction games, such as with Lego or Kapla. Depending on his desires, he can build a beautiful house, a castle, or even more impressive, the tallest tower ever imagined! In addition to being creative, this activity will allow him to be meticulous and attentive.

Finally, you can encourage him to try to make a shadow theatre. He can first try to make Chinese shadows with his hands, then try to cut out shapes that he can stick on the end of a straw or a pencil for example. Once all the shapes are imagined and/or made, all that remains is for your child to imagine a story to present to you.

Activities to get him to exercise

Quiet activities are great, but your children need to let off steam! For this, adhesive tape is the miracle cure to create several activities. For example, you can create a hopscotch game at home. It takes you 5 minutes to do and your children will be able to have fun for hours! You can also organize a maze in your house/apartment by putting tape from top to bottom in your hallways, in order to create obstacles that your child will have to overcome, by going under and over. In addition, you can create an indoor bowling alley. Still using adhesive tape, draw a track on the ground, build a pyramid of cardboard cups at the end of the track, and let your child make a strike with the ball!

We've all heard someone tell their child "you don't jump on the bed", but why not? To make the area safer, put cushions on the floor around your bed so that he doesn't hurt himself, then let him jump like on a trampoline to burn off his energy!

Still on the bed, you can start a nice fight. Little blows, tickles, attacks from behind, anything goes! This is an activity that children never tire of, especially when there are several of them teaming up against you!

You and your husband can organize a treasure hunt for him. Agree on the object to hide and the location, and leave clues for your child so that he can follow the right track! For example, you can leave post-its with words such as "look in your cupboard" or "no not here, but you're heating up", the aim is to stimulate him.

You can also have fun playing Twister. During this game, a referee spins a wheel to designate one of the colors on the mat on which the participants will have to place a hand or foot. The more the game progresses, the more complicated the positioning of your hands and feet becomes. Get ready to have fun, laugh, and especially to contort yourself in all directions!

Finally, nothing better than a "1, 2, 3 music"! The goal is to put on a playlist that everyone likes and dance. When one of you decides to stop the music, everyone must freeze. And like for "1, 2, 3 sun", the one who moves has lost!

If you found this article useful or if you have other activities to share with us, please let us know via this email address: contact.neuviemeciel@gmail.com

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