Comment relancer la lactation ?

How to restart lactation?

Future mother or young mother, you have just decided to breastfeed your baby, and we encourage you in this choice which is an extraordinary experience for both you and your baby. Especially since many benefits are attributed to breast milk, especially the first six months of breastfeeding, the minimum period recommended by the WHO.

However, it can happen during breastfeeding that some mothers are worried about not having enough milk. Is this possible? What could be the causes? How can you overcome this supposed or proven feeling of a drop in lactation? Here are some answers to make breastfeeding easier for your baby.


Can we have a drop in lactation?

First of all, the breastfeeding adventure begins with a rise in milk which usually occurs on the third day after your baby is born.

In some cases, excessive blood loss during your delivery or placental fragments left in the uterus can delay the production of milk.

When breastfeeding is well established after a few days, weeks, months, after your milk comes in, some mothers may feel a drop in milk. This phenomenon can happen in some cases but is always remediable.

In fact, the first cause of feeling a drop in lactation can occur if you experience a period of great fatigue or stress. This is quite common due to the short nights in the early days after the birth of the baby and your emotional state can have an impact on your milk production.

If you are ill, for example with the flu or bronchitis, or have a chronic illness such as diabetes or a mental illness and suffer from depression, lactation may also decrease.

Finally, some medications are strongly discouraged during breastfeeding and can have an impact on lactation. It is advisable to ask your doctor if you can take this or that medication while breastfeeding.

Your milk supply may also decrease if you have had surgery such as breast reduction surgery where the mammary gland may have been injured or if you have suffered trauma to the breasts.

In rare cases, it is likely that your breasts have a malformation and that this could cause a decrease in lactation, but do not worry, this happens very rarely!

Finally, when your period returns, lactation can often decrease but it resumes a few days after the end of your period. To remedy this, it is advisable to regularly put your baby to the breast to stimulate lactation further.

What are some signs that you may be producing less milk right now?

When you breastfeed your baby, it can be difficult to quantify how much milk he is getting. However, there are some signs that you may be giving him less milk than he needs.

Does your baby get upset quickly at the breast when feeding? This could be a sign. Does he not seem satisfied after a feed? This could be another, and he will probably ask you to feed again quite quickly.

You may also wonder if your baby's diapers aren't filled with enough urine or stool during the day. In fact, the amount of urine and stool produced is a good indicator.

Finally, your child's weight gain stagnation or very slow weight gain can also be a sign that you should be concerned about.

Here are some tips to help you restart your lactation!

To restart breastfeeding, the number 1 tip is to have your baby breastfeed very regularly. So put him to the breast every 1 to 2 hours and for a long enough time (maximum 30 minutes per breast) because the more your baby breastfeeds, the more your body will produce prolactin, the breastfeeding hormone. Suggest that he alternate between your two breasts each time, which will allow him to produce more milk.

In order to properly empty your breasts, you can also apply compression around the breast when your baby is feeding. However, this should not be painful and should be done away from the areola.

Additionally, to further stimulate your milk production, you can also pump after each feed. Use a manual or electric breast pump for about 20 minutes per breast to stimulate lactation. It is also possible to do this even if you do not collect milk the first few sessions because if the feed was effective enough, the breasts are probably empty. On the other hand, your body will register that it needs to produce more milk.

We advise you to contact a midwife to guide you towards the method best suited to your needs and your lifestyle.

Finally, nutrition remains a key factor in the success of your breastfeeding. Indeed, it is important to eat well and hydrate yourself to start breastfeeding and to maintain it.

So remember to regularly drink a large glass of water before or after each feeding, without forcing yourself.

Eat a balanced diet and eat everything. This is not the time to go on a diet, but on the contrary, think about eating well and in sufficient quantities!

It is also possible to drink breastfeeding herbal teas that restart breastfeeding. You can find them in pharmacies or organic stores, or over the counter on the internet.

There are also key foods to boost breastfeeding such as dates, oats, almonds and cashews. Also, fennel, cumin and star anise are very good foods to promote breastfeeding. You can also prepare your own infusions from these foods. You can also sprinkle your meals with these ingredients to give them more flavor.

Homeopathy is also a good way to restart lactation. It is a gentle medicine that is compatible with breastfeeding and has no side effects on you or your child. Finally, there is nothing better than turning to a homeopathic midwife or a lactation consultant to determine the treatment suited to your situation.

Finally, it is essential to rest! So try to take it easy as much as possible and sleep when your baby sleeps so that lactation can be maintained and maintained properly.

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