I t is important for a pregnant person to eat well during her pregnancy. Indeed, it is at this time that she provides her baby with all the elements necessary for it to develop well and be healthy. Those to favor are proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins and good fats.
Eating well also allows the mother-to-be to stay in shape, to be less tired and in better health.
In this article we will show you that there are also foods to favor and others to eliminate without depriving yourself.
First, the foods to eat are: oily fish (salmon, sardines), lean meat (which has a fat content of less than 10%), eggs, vegetables, dairy products, red fruits, avocados, sweet potatoes and dried fruits.
On the contrary, those not to consume or to avoid are: coffee, alcohol, cold meats, raw milk cheeses (Reblochon, Mont D'Or), soya, or even raw liver and shellfish.
However, it is always best to seek the advice of your doctor.
Vegetables and fruits should occupy a considerable place in the plate, at least half of it, because they contain many essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, fiber and water. It is also recommended to eat vegetables of different colors every day: carrots, sweet potatoes for orange, beets and eggplants for purple etc.
As for sweet potatoes, these vegetables are very rich in beta-carotene, which provides us with vitamin A and helps in the growth and formation of babies' cells.
Red fruits such as blueberries or raspberries provide vitamin C, water, fiber, and healthy carbohydrates.
Some tips for eating well during pregnancy:
Eat three meals a day. Note, however, not to force yourself if you have a lack of appetite due to nausea, fatigue or hormones. Eat whatever you want, and as much as you want. If you are hungry between meals, you can snack on yogurts, fruits, or almonds. Avoid diets, which could harm your baby's development, but eat regularly to prevent energy drops and big gaps lasting several hours. It is recommended that a pregnant woman consume 500 more calories.
Regarding drinks during pregnancy, it is best to favor water and drink at least 1.5 liters, or even 2 liters per day. This will prevent urinary tract infections, and will have a positive impact on your skin and body. Sugary drinks such as sodas or energy drinks should be avoided because they contain too much sugar. And of course, as you probably know, it is imperative stop any alcohol consumption as it could harm your baby's development and cause serious consequences such as malformations, growth retardation, and damage to the central nervous system which affects most of the body's functions such as sensations, thoughts, perception or movements.
How to explain food cravings during pregnancy?
Cravings often appear during the first trimester of pregnancy, during the day and at night. They may disappear after the first few months, but can also last until delivery.
These desires could reflect a deficiency, a lack that the future mother feels and that she expresses as desire.
The most popular cravings are sugary products in general, red meats (which provide iron), dairy products (calcium), or fruits and vegetables which provide lots of vitamins.
According to specialists, these cravings could arise from a hormonal upheaval. Indeed, at the beginning of pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones that will unbalance the pregnant woman's body, hence the famous smells that are disgusting or that precisely cause very strong cravings for food. However, this does not happen for all pregnant women, some may have them for a few days, others not at all.
However, be careful of morning sickness. In some women, it can be more severe than in others, and will cause a loss of appetite at the thought of eating. This loss of appetite should be monitored, it is necessary to ensure that the pregnant woman can ingest enough food necessary for the development of the baby. Anxiety can also cause nausea.
To manage them, it is recommended to get up very early, and eat a small amount of something that does not disgust you.